The URAWA Internet is a mutual-aid provider.
The URAWA Internet is a mutual-aid and non-profit Internet provider.
We invest money, construct server, operat system and use the Internet ourselves.
There are many members who's dial area code is "048". But, we are not only URAWA citizen's group. We have many members who lives in OMIYA, YONO, KAWAGUCHI or another city.

"048" area is blue.
UINET is abbreviation of The URAWA Internet. Please call "YOU-I-NET".
You can know pearent provider, line speed and more to see Networks.
There are rules and regulations in Official Document Page
And UINET History is very good way to understand UINET.
Offline party is good chance to discuss each other. It's very at home.
We have a Mailing List(Japanese)
You can join this ML freely without any fee. It's useful to understand what's UINET. But there are Japanese ML.
If you want to join the ML, please contact us.
Let's join us
If you have any interesting or question, please contact us.
Services and Fee
- Services
- You can use MAIL,WWW,FTP,NG...
Feeding News Group List
- 10MB free disk space for your homepage.
- PPP¡¢UUCP connection
- Modem(V34),ISDN(64K SYNC,38.4K ASYNC),PIAFS connection
- Dedicated connection (in preparation)
- Fee(Yen)
| Start-up Fee
| Annual Fee
| 14,000
| 3,000
| 14,000
| 2,500
Telnet(Non dial up)
| 10,000
| 2,500
- If membership will increase...
- Cut the fee.
- Speed up.
- Increase dial-up line.
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